A Grandmother's Choice


1. Why did you choose Emerald Academy for your child’s school?

I chose Emerald Academy with high hopes of giving my grandson Maaziah Blue the chance at a higher learning. Also, I knew of and was able to speak with a couple of parents with children attending Emerald Academy upon making my decision. Although the reviews were in no means perfect, they were very much so promising.

2. How have you seen Maaziah prosper at Emerald Academy?

Maaziah attended kindergarten at EA. It went well; ideal, if I had to say. First grade however, was more of a challenge. He struggled some in math and reading comprehension, but we were determined to succeed in spite of the difficulties we would face going forward. I reached out with both my questions and concerns, and with the outstanding support of staff and teachers alike, Maaziah's second grade year was nothing short of a blessing! He has made remarkable improvements in every subject. Much of the credit goes to his extraordinarily profound, loving, caring and dedicated second grade teacher (Abby Breeden) for assisting in making all things hopeful, and her commitment to a learning plan that has better prepared my grandson in moving forward to the third grade and in the future.

3. How has Emerald Academy impacted your family overall?

We are hopeful! We are encouraged! We are moving forward now without fear. We are standing on Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Emerald Youth