An Investment In Scholars

When Tiffany and Derrick Hill enrolled their daughters, Danielle and Davayla, for kindergarten at Emerald Academy, they weren’t quite sure at first about the long day – 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. But now they wouldn’t have it any other way.

Danielle, in fifth grade, and Davayla, in fourth grade, excel at school. “My girls want to meet the standard that Emerald Academy sets for them. They are being raised to achieve and to enjoy those hours. The high bar is preparing them for success,” said Mrs. Hill.

What stands out is Emerald Academy’s investment in its scholars. “It has been absolutely amazing. Emerald Academy is like family,” she said.

Mrs. Hill points to the strong academics. The girls particularly enjoy art, music, reading and math. Teachers notified her that Danielle reads on the middle school and high school grade levels. Danielle and Davayla like to compete in math drills at home.

“Last year, Danielle received the Founders’ Award, the highest award for her grade level. It is based not just on academics, but overall. It melted my heart. This year, they both got Director’s Awards. They are confident in themselves, thanks to the school.”

And Mrs. Hill appreciates updates sent by the school daily, often through the “ClassDojo” app. She can use the app to reach anyone on the faculty.

“I can connect to the school director, teachers and the girls’ cheerleading coach. A teacher may send a link to show how math is done,” she said.

She appreciates Emerald Academy’s early emphasis on college. “My girls know the names of colleges they see at school, and it starts a conversation. They will say, ‘Where is that? What type of school is it?’”

Even the uniforms are a plus, she said – easy and stress-free. Best of all: “When Danielle received the Founders’ Award, she got a sweater with the Emerald Academy logo on it. She worked hard for it, and now she wears that sweater every day.”

Emerald Youth